Friday 8 August 2014

What Why Who

CBITD events - Celestial Bar In The Dark Events started off completely unintentional and by accident

I organised GC3Z39Q 8-9-10-11-12 at Pant Y Fachwen as a Event to celebrate the 8th hour 9th minute of the 10th day of the 11th month of the 12th year of the 21st Century  

Pant Y Fachwen is a derelict Miners Cottage, on Prestatyn Hillside, which has Offas Dyke Long Distance Path running past it. Which I thought with the views out to sea, would be a ideal way to celebrate a memorable date.

However I'd forgotten that Pant Y Fachwen is directly above the Mine Adit, where the start of GCZWX8 The Fish Caves is. In fact at the cottage, you are literally stood on top of the Adit. So when someone suggested doing the Multi cache, after the event, I jumped at the chance.

I'd had one previous attempt, but had not gone in the Adit, due to having my daughter and Poodles with me, and there was a group of lads, hanging around at the entrance to the Adit. And I did not want to leave my young Daughter stood on her own with them.

So after the event, a large group entered the Fish Cave Adit in search of Stage One

After we all got out, and several expressed how I felt, that they would not have gone in on their own. The idea of Celestial Bar Events was born.

At this point, I can hear you saying "why Celestial Bars?"

I'd chosen to get to the event, by parking at the start of the Off Road section of Offas Dyke LDP, and take the long Lung Busting, Heart Shredding climb up Prestatyn Hillside.

And thought that anyone who made it to the Cottage, at that time of the morning, by which ever route, deserved a Reward. So each person attending was given a Mars Bar.

Now I could not mention "Mars Bars" on the Event page, so I had to think of another name for them. Mars being a Planet, it is described as a Celestial Body. So I had my name.

So from a accidental start, CBITD Events were created

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